Unit I: Challenges to the Faith
March Sunday School Lessons – Union Gospel Press
Overseer Regina Ravenell-Carr
March 2: Beware of False Teachers – Jude 1:1-13
March 9: Build Up Your Faith – Jude 1:17-25
March 16: Jesus is Coming – II Peter 3:3-16a
March 23: Worship Before the Throne – Rev. 4:1-11
March 30: Worthy is the Lamb – Rev. 5:1-5, 11-14
We have all been told that, “History repeats itself!” “History repeats itself endlessly for those who are unwilling to learn from the past.” This quote is attributed to Leon Brown. When I read the theme for this quarter, I felt baffled. Therefore, I asked myself and then Google what does “The Climax of History,” mean? According to “AI,” it generally refers to the culmination and the culmination of all history in the return of Jesus Christ, the establishment of God’s kingdom, and the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises. I believe that this is the warning for our lessons this month. In Unit I, Jude is concerned about the faith of the believers, He warns us to, “Beware of False Teachers,” and he is encouraging us to, “Build Up Your Faith.” Then we shift (into Unit II) to the reminder that “Jesus is Coming,” and we are to “Worship Before the Throne;” because, “Worthy is the Lamb!
In the first lesson, Jude is admonishing the believer to contend for the faith. He is letting us know that there will be false teachers and they will attack the truth of God. So, he says, “Beware of False Teachers,” in the church. False teaching will infiltrate the church and wreak havoc. They imagine themselves to be above others and not subject to the law. Remember how God dealt with the unbelievers and false teachers in the past.
Question: What does it mean to earnestly contend for the faith? (v. 1:3)
Lesson 2 makes us take a good look at ourselves. That is why Jude says, “Buil Up Your Faith!” He wants us to faithful and to continually praise God. Praise has the power to help build up the Christian believer. We will find strength to stay faithful, when we are consistently praising God. Therefore, we must live our lives on the solid foundation of Jesus Christ.
Question: On what foundation can believers build a solid spiritual life? (v. 20-23)
Lesson 3, the narrator changes from Jude to Apostle Peter. He declares that “Jesus is Coming!” Despite the naysayers that mock you, your faith, and God, remember that ‘the Lord is not slack concerning His promise.’ The day is coming life a thief in the night. Our conversation ought to be holy and godly, until He returns. History does repeat itself; therefore, we should not be surprised when the scoffers come. They are trying to deceive us and our faith. They will not alter the plan of God. Wait for Him!
Question: How has God been long-suffering toward humanity?
Lesson 4, John catapults us into a heavenly worship. Through a vision, John is able to see and hear things concerning heaven. He talks about his view in heaven. He sees the throne of God and the 24 elders clothed in white. He also sees 4 living creatures (angels) about the throne saying, “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty. John shares what he sees with us to ignite and enhance our worship and for us to “Worship Before the Throne.” The elders and the angelic beast are prostrate before the throne, to give honor and glory to our King.
Question: What is the continual ministry of the four living creatures?
Lesson 5, Our praise and adoration towards God should be because of who He is. John reminds us that “Worthy is the Lamb!” We should recognize the judgment our sins deserve and the redemption of our sin from Christ, is worthy of all of our praise. Verse 13 say, ‘Blessings, and honor, and glory, and power, be unto Him that sitteth on the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever.’ What a mighty God we serve and we should rejoice and be exceedingly glad.
Question: How long will praise to the Lamb continue? In what way is this important to us?
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