Breaking Cycles

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and
expecting different results” is a famous quote often
attributed to Albert Einstein.

Most of us are guilty of this famous quote. We settle into a
comfort zone that allows us to fall into a cycle of bad habits,
and a pattern of bad decisions, actions, or behaviors. Ironically, we will blame
everyone for where we are and never recognize our own accountability for where
we are! We prefer to keep doing the same thing over and over again, rather than
embracing the idea of doing something different, or changing. Moreover, we have
a tendency to pass on the generational curses of cycles, bad habits, and patterns.

When will recognize the need to do something different?
A recent ministry assignment had me to recall this book to
gain insight and direction for the workshop. It reminded me
that we are in cycles, because we have fallen into bondage.
We have allowed our fears, doubts, failures, rejection and
son to cause us to shut down spiritually and emotionally. In
other words, we have allowed the trick of the enemy to
seduce us into a comatose state of being. The temptation of
this world has prevailed; and we have fallen into despair.

How do you break this cycle of bondage? First, we have to recognize that we are
separated from God and we need to repent from our wicked ways, thoughts, and
action. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just enough to forgive us (1 John
1:9).” You have every right to be free from the bondage of sin! Christ already died
for our sins; believe you are forgiven and free. You are accepted, secure, and
significant. You are no longer a victim to the temptation of this world. Second, we
must stand firm and resist the temptation. Submit yourselves therefore to God.

Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Finally, So, get rid of every filthy habit
and all wicked conduct. Submit to God and accept the word that he plants in your
hearts, which is able to save you. James 1:21, GNT “
Remember the channels of temptation: 1 John 2:15-15

  1. The lust of the flesh – I want everything my way
  2. The lust of the eyes – I want everything for myself
  3. The pride of life – I want to appear important
    Satan appealed to the lust of flesh in Eve, and he is still attempting to appeal to us.
    Lust is often used to refer to sinful desires, such as illicit sex, intoxication, revenge,
    or ill-gotten gain. He appealed to Jesus in the wilderness to forsake God and he is
    still trying to pull us away from God.
    Lust draws us away from the “Will of God – dependence upon Him;” the “Word of
    God – confidence in Him;” and the Worship of God – obedience to Him!

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