God’s Work Through Women and Youth

This Summer’s quarter we will focus on “Women of Faith and Youth,” executing
the Ministry of the gospel. Last month we studied how God used Deborah, Ruth,
Esther, and Hannah to further the message of His kingdom. In August, we see how
He used young people to execute the assignment of the Lord. God can use
anyone, from anywhere, to do anything that will glorify the name of the Lord. We
can not dismiss others that do not look, sound or act like us, we have to look at
the hand of God in their lives.

Lesson 1 introduces the word to remind us that “The Lord seeth not as man seeth;
for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart, (I
Samuel 16:7). “Young David Anointed King, (I Samue l 16:1-4b, 6-1)” was not the
expected choice of Jesse’s sons. He was unlikely because he was the youngest,
smallest, and was the sheep-keeper. Nevertheless, God recognized the heart of
this child and chose him to be king. The principle is: to show that if we are to
choose faithful leaders, we must view people from God’s perspective, not ours.
Question: Why was it logical for Jesse to present his sons in order of age? What
did the anointing and the coming of the Spirit do for David?

Lesson 2 we jog our memory that ‘a child can lead the way.’ We see the story of a
young maiden who is taken away in captivity and sees that Naaman, captain of the
host of the king of Syria is a leper. “Then she said to her mistress, “If only my
master were with the prophet who is in Samaria! For he would heal him of his
leprosy, (II Kings 5:3).” Is it possible, “A Servant Girl Points Naaman to God, (II
Kings 5:1-5, 9-15)?” Moreover, he adhere to the words of the child and was
ultimately led to believe in God.

Question: What seemingly insignificant person suddenly became significant to
Naaman and his king? How does God’s use of a little captured servant girl
encourage you to view the circumstances and situations of your life?
The last lesson tells how a young king, “Josiah Calls the People Back to God, (II
Kingfs22:8-10, 23:1-3, 21-23).” The principle is to show that one person’s
commitment to God can turn the tide of evil for a nation. King Josiah’s covenant
before the lord, cause the people to turn to Him as well. When we submit to the
Lord, we will find His blessings.

Question: What promise did Josiah make after reading the Law to the people?
How did the congregation show their assent to the decision made by Josiah

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