Sunday School Corner

Sept. 22:  Daniel Prophecies the Son of Man – Dan. 7:9-14

Sept. 29:  Daniel Sees Future Kingdoms – Dan. 8:19-26

Oct. 6:  Daniel Intercedes for Israel – Dan. 9:4-14

Oct. 13:  God Strengthens Daniel – Dan. 10:10-19

Oct. 20:  Jesus Points to Daniel – Mark 13:14-27

What is a prophetic ministry? Prophetic ministry is a spiritual practice that involves the communication of messages from a divine source to people, groups, or countries. It is based on the idea that prophets have the ability to hear and convey messages from the heavenly realm.

Unfortunately, the children of Isreal do not heed the prophetic message; however, Daniel continues to do the work of God. 

In the first lesson, Daniel prophesies the Son of Man, in a vision, that came with the clouds of heaven, and to the Ancient of Days (v.13). Through his vision, he sees the imagery of the Christ in His holiness, with white hair and His infinite wisdom.  This is a sign of how God will provide a way out of difficult scenarios.

Question: Who is the Son of Man? What is the meaning of this expression?

Second, Daniel Sees Future Kingdoms the vision of the evening and this morning.  However, they are far off for many days (v. 26), True vision is about things to come. Daniel lets us know the signs of the antichrist and of the destruction that is to come.

Question: What heavenly being appeared and revealed the meaning of the vision to Daniel?

Next, Daniel intercedes for Israel! He confesses and repents for the disobedience of the children of Israel an pleads for forgiveness. His actions demonstrate our way back to God and to His blessings.

Question: What was the main purpose of Daniel’s prayer?

In he fourth lesson, God Strengthens Daniel, after a 21 day of prayer and fasting! At this time, Daniel experienced another supernatural vision and his strength was depleted. “And, behold one like the similitude of the sons of men touched my lips (v.16); then there came again and touched me… and strengthened me.

Question: What did the strengthening that Daniel received prepare him for?

Finally, the biblical lesson found in the New Testament declares that, “Jesus Points to Daniel.” Jesus makes reference to Daniel’s vision and proclamation of abomination and desolation.  This would be the sign of the second coming of Christ, for the people to see. The lesson reminds us that is coming in the clouds with great power and glory! (v. 26)

Question: When Christ returns, who will see Him? What events will occur?

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