From the Editor in Chief, Overseer Regina Ravenell-Carr

Just a few months ago I accepted the task of Editor-In-Chief of this newsletter.
Since I was already a contributing writer, I felt compelled to step in. I can
honestly say that it has been a challenge to find my niche as the editor. Initially, I
was simply submitting articles and not looking back. Now, I believe I am more
connected to the assignment and I have recognized how I can help the endeavor

First, I must recognize and esteem the Right Bishop Andy C. Lewter the for insight
and vision to extend the invitation to me. Second, I have been observing the lack
of participation from the various churches and clergy. No shade, just my observation. Therefore, as I am
being lead, I would like to personally extend the invitation to every M.A.N.A. member to help with
spreading and sharing the news of our Ministry endeavors with the body. What your church/ministry is
doing may very well encourage, equip, and empower someone else. We can also make a collaborative
effort to support one another.

None of us are except from showing ourselves friendly, helping each other with doing the work of the
ministry, and showing genuine love, just because. If you’d like to assign someone to contribute articles
to us, to keep the community up-to-date with your church calendar, please have that contact me. I am
convinced that if we can come together with creative ideas and witty inventions, we will see the
manifestation of the mighty hand of God!

M.A.N.A. is a long-standing institution for the community cleric and the churches. Let’s keep our legacy
alive by accept the charge to contribute to our newsletter. We want to be inclusive, not exclusive!
Overseer Regina Ravenell-Carr

Christian Uprise Thru Edification Discipleship Ministry

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