Moving On, Rev. Wanda Faye Myers Retires

By Rev. Wanda Faye Myers

As of January 2, 2024, I reached another milestone in my life… RETIREMENT!  For the last 26 years my secular employment has been with the Wyandanch Union Free School District, Wyandanch, NY.  

In September 1992, I began my journey as a clerical substitute covering in every office in the district, excluding the bus garage.  I learned the dynamics of the district, while experiencing the day-to-day operations of Central Administration offices and the main offices of each school building and departments.

In April 1997, permanent employment status was granted after becoming duly certified as a Principal Stenographer, now Principal Office Assistant AKA Administrative Assistant to the Principal through the Suffolk County Department of Civil Service.  

My first permanent assignment was in the Office of Testing, Evaluation, & Attendance, a 2-person district office (supervisor and secretary), operating out of Wyandanch Memorial High School (WMHS).  We handled the evaluation of standardized testing, Regents exams, field tests, etc. for state reporting, along with attendance and residency issues.  Years later the office was renamed Support Operations.

At the onset of the 2009/2010 school year, the office moved to the Central Administration building as a 1-person office.  I was transferred to the main office of WMHS, to fill the vacancy of the principal’s secretary who had retired and relocated out of state. This was my placement for the last 14 years.

This position was more than being a secretary scheduling meetings, keeping calendars, compiling letters and other correspondence.  There was constant contact with students, their parents, faculty, and staff which fostered relationships that extended beyond the school day.  When students experienced trauma moments or behavioral issues, if a teacher was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, or if parents were undergoing economic hardships lacking necessities such as food, clothing, and toiletries for their children –ALL OFFICE WORKED CEASED! For me, my compassion factor for others to succeed over adversity and have their needs met took priority.    

In the wake of school shootings and threats of bombings that occurred across the country, the first priority in the building is SAFETY!  There were times when the building had to go on lockdown, no one in and no one out, due to threats of a possible active shooter.  SCPD would put the building on lockdown too if criminal activity occurred in the community and the perpetrator(s) had not been apprehended.  All activity in the entire building ceased until the “all clear” was given. Many in our school community suffered distressing effects of covid-19 on various levels that adversely affected their social, emotional, and mental wellbeing.  This time we were mandated to cease from doing office work to address the situation(s) at hand. 

For these reasons, you often found me sitting at my desk, late into the night, catching up on paperwork to keep the office operating up-to-date.  I pray my work ethic has demonstrated professionalism, integrity, resilience, and exhibited ethical behavior amid it all.  

Most people view retirement as a time to take on r&r (rest and relaxation), travel the world abroad, do what you want to do, when you want to do it.  This is true for some. However, for me, I retired and “moved out” from occupying the seat as Principal Office Assistant because of multiple health challenges.  I simply “moved over” to continue working with the WMHS PTSA (Parent Teacher Student Association).  I retired from the office work, but I did not retire from the established relationships with administrators, teachers, staff, students, and parents. “Blest be the ties that binds…”  Finally, I’m “moving on” into that which God has for me.  “For what God has for me, it is for me.”  

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