The Sunday School Corner

This Summer quarter we will focus on “Women of Faith,” executing the Ministry
the gospel. Although many still believe that women should be silent and not
heard, God used and is using women from the beginning to time (His time, not
ours), to demonstrate His message to us. The lessons for the month of June
teaches us about Eve, Deborah, Ruth, and Naomi. These stories represent their
presence from Creation, to the linage of the Messiah, as a descendant of Ruth;
and, “God’s Work through Women.”
Lesson 1 begins in the book of Genesis, we explore “The Creation of Woman,
Gen. 2:18-25.” The key verse says, “The Lord God said, ‘It is not good that the
man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him.” The bible tells us that
God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep while He created the woman. This
creation establishes the relationship between man and woman. Every animal that
was created had companionship; therefore, Adam needed it as well. The woman
was made out of his side, to be by his side; not to be ruled or trampled upon.
Question: Why do we find the classic biblical statement about the establishment
of marriage here?

Lesson 2 breaks into the argument of women in the biblical culture. We are
introduced to the prophetess Deborah, who judged Israel at that time. However,
because of the lack of faith, “Deborah Encourages Barak, Judges 4:4-10, 12-16,”
to carry out the assignment from God. She warns him, to go as he had been
instructed. Barak requested Deborah presence on this journey and she complied,
to encourage him in the battle. God had spoken, Deborah believed what thus
saith the Lord, and led them into battle. Deborah emphasizes the willingness to
be led by God.
Question: What message did Deborah convey to Barak in Kedesh-naphtali?
Lesson 3 reminds us of the struggle of women in biblical times and today. We
meet Naomi and her daugther in laws, who are in the midst of a famine. Naomi
believes she has nothing else to live for and plans to return to her homeland.
Since all of her sons have died, she encourages her daughter in laws to return to
their homeland. However, “Ruth Follows Naomi, Ruth 1:1-9, 14b, 16,” because
she found refuge in a family who knew the true God. In spite of the devastation,
Ruth was committed to being with Naomi. She did not let the tragedy scare her to
forsake her people or their God. She says, “Whither thou goest, I go; where thou
lodgest, I will lodge; thy people shall be my people, and thy God, my God.
Question: What level of commitment is expressed in Ruth’s “cleaving” to Naomi?

Lesson 4 continues with the story of Ruth’s commitment to follow Naomi. Ruth’s
faithfulness leads her to the blessings of God. “Ruth meets Boaz, Ruth 2:8-18.”
We learn how Boaz took care of the needs of poor Ruth and showed kindness to
her. The bible tells us that Boaz saw her in the field and saw someone special, and
provided and protected her. When Ruth questioned Boaz’s kindness, he replied,
“It hath been fully shewed me, all that thou hast done unto thy mother-in-law

since the death of thine husband,” The lesson is that God blesses those who are
poor and needy.
Question: How does Boaz’s generosity to Ruth demonstrate a godly response to
the poor?
Lesson 5 culminates with “Ruth Marries Boaz, Ruth 4:1-10.” According to biblical
times, Boaz was not the next in line to redeem the family of Naomi. However, the
family redeemer refused to buy the land nor marry Ruth. Again, Boaz assumes
the position to marry Ruth. Boaz took over the task of the family redeemer when
the first man would not. Boaz illustrates his obedience to God with his whole
heart. Boaz brought the first man before the council, advised him of his duty, and
informed him of his own willingness to redeem the family.
Question: Why did Boaz need to call the elders of the city as witnesses to his
dealings with Naomi’s near kinsman? How does Naomi and Ruth benefit?

At the closing of this month’s lesson, we observe how pivotal the presence of
these women in each scenario. Therefore, we should be cautious in our
endeavors to silence women, neglect our relationships with one another, and pay
attention to those around us that need our help. Any one of these stories could
have a different ending if God move strategically with implementing the art of a
woman, to be beside man. We were instrumental back then, and we are still
instrumental today. Let us embrace the power of being side by side.
“The Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him
a help meet for him.” Gen. 2:18

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