The Close of Vacation Bible School

Living Hope Fellowship Baptist Church closed-out the Vacation Bible School with a “Block Party!” The theme was “Let’s Start the Party, Celebrate the Good!” Deacon Diane Mercer and Rev. Wanda Myers were the coordinators.

This block party had a bouncy house for the children, along with DJ Motion on the ones & twos. There was free hot dogs, chips and a soda for everyone. Fish sandwiches and fish dinners were also available. A
“Welcoming Table,” offered free toys, and all the children received a backpack. Two bicycles were raffled off.

The children presented their lessons from what they learn from the two nights of study. One of the
questions was, “How can we help to spread the message of God’s love? The perform a dance routine,
and recited their parts! Living Hope was prepared for the community with vendors from Prime America, a
mortgage company, voter registration, and a table for prayer requests. The night closed with an altar call and five people accepted Christ as their personal Savior. What a great night!

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