The Profound Wisdom of Dr. Calvin O. Butts, III
By Deaconess Essence McDonald

On Friday, November 4, 2022, Dr. Calvin O. Butts was laid to rest after a valiant fight with cancer.  Dr. Butts is known for a variety of things and will be remembered by many as the caring pastor of the Abyssinian Baptist Church of Harlem, New York, a fierce advocate of social justice in New York City and the prestigious president of the State University of New York at Old Westbury on Long Island.  While all of these accomplishmentsare worthy of the high regard and respect that Dr. Butts commands, he is also known as a profound intellectual and historian who has a gifted ability to explain in simple terms what may difficult for other to convey.

In the video that is attached to this article we share with you an interview that was conducted by Dr. Johnathan Lee Walton, Dean of the School of Divinity at Wake Forest University.  During the interview Dr. Butts was asked to comment on the impact of the 1956 Supreme Court decision of Brown vs Board of Education.  In his commentary Dr. Butts displayed an amazing ability to take lessons from our historic past and apply them to issue we confront as a community today.  Take a lesson to this interview and you will see how the spirit of Dr. Butts will live beyond the service that celebrates his life this month.

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By Deaconess Essence McDonald"

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