It is rare indeed for an entire community to come together for a single purpose. We are living in a time when we as a society and culture are extremely divided and pitted against each other. that is why it was so refreshing to see the North Amityville and surrounding area come together to celebrate the life of Joe Turner.
Joe Turner was best known for his camera and how he has captured the story of North Amityville on film for the last 40 years. For weddings, funerals, birthdays, church celebrations, community events, fires, accidents and any number of significant events, Joe Turner has been the eyes and lens of the North Amityville community. His photographs are legendary and he could be counted upon to record whatever events were taking place that were newsworthy. His images were featured in the Amityville Record, Newsday and this publication, The Gospel Express Newspaper.
On Tuesday, May 30, 2023 citizens from all over Long Island assembled in the main auditorium of the Amityville Memorial High School to pay homage to the man with the camera, Joe Turner. The program was presided over by Pastor Donnie McClurkin of the Perfecting Faith Church in Freeport and Madelyn Quintyne McConnaugh, Director of Human Services for the Town of Babylon. The program featured participation from the Town Supervisor, Rick Schaeffer, Amityville School Board President, Johnson and members of the local fire department. Representing the Ministerial Alliance of North Amityville and Vicinity was its president, Bishop Andy C. Lewter.
The program was closed with remarks from the family that included both the son and daughter of Joe Turner. In the vestibule of the school auditorium was a display of the work of Joe Turner over the years. Pictured below are some of the highlights of the evening.

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