Greetings! I wish to extend a very Merry Christmas to everyone. While most are engaging in the hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping, I want to remind us that the greatest gift is the gift of LOVE!
Everyone enjoys the art of gift giving, but sometimes we miss the mark of spreading love and spending genuine time with others. There are some that do not have family or friends to have a gift exchange, and they are overlooked, and neglected.
My challenge is for us to look beyond our immediate circle for someone that might need some LOVE! John writes in his epistles that our God is Life, Light, and Love. 1 John 1:7 says, “But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. Your presence can restore life, shine a light, and express love, the way God’s love does for us.
So, let us “Amplify God’s Love,” as we travel on our pilgrimage journey. Love is divine; it is everywhere, ever present and abundant and free. It is a spiritual energy that is, at this very moment, flowing through the universe, through us, through our families, and through billions of souls. Let someone feel the LOVE of God that is flowing through you. “God so loved us, so we can love others!
Tis the season to show Love!
From the Editor

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