Jesus is God: Sunday School Corner

This quarter’s theme is “Jesus is God.” The Synoptic Gospel is being used to
demonstrated Jesus is God by His work being “Confirmed by His Power over
Death; the Mighty Miracles, He performed, and by His Exaltation.” We hear from
the disciples, Dr. Luke, and the unknown author of Hebrews, to drive home the
message and the power of God! March speaks of the Deity, Power, Death, and
Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

First, the beloved disciple, John reminds us of our need to have fellowship with
Christ and the benefits of believing in Him. John is presenting “Jesus Claim to
Deity,” John 8:31-59. Jesus says, “If you continue in my word, then are ye my
disciples indeed. We explore Jesus’ ability to liberate us from sin. We are also
challenged to live out the freedom that we have in Christ. Our relationship in Him
frees us from sin and liberates us with the truth. Jesus is the Son of God and
rescues us from ourselves.
Question: What are our only two options in responding to Jesus’ claim to deity?

Second, we witness the power of Christ simultaneously heal “Jarius Daughter and
the Bleeding Woman,” Luke 8:40-56. While on His way to heal the ruler’s
daughter, He has an encounter with the woman with an issue of blood. Both had
an urgency of need; the child was 12 years old and the woman had a blood issue
for 12 years. Christ responds to our needs when we seek Him! We learn how Jeus
offered hope to Jarius and the woman. Faith in Jesus is the only way to have true
hope in the face of difficulties and death. We must believe that He is the Son of
God, and has the answer to everything that we need.
Question: What message came to Jairus as Jesus was talking with the woman He
had healed?

Third, this lesson is notoriously known in the body of Christ. Here, His friend
Lazarus has died and the family believes He arrived too late to save Him.
However, Jesus is always teaching the disciples, and the multitude, that He is the
Messiah, and the Resurrection. Therefore, “The Raising of Lazarus,” John 11:38-
44, is the tool that is used to demonstrate His divine power and purpose. This
teaches that we have to trust God in every situation for His glory and our good.
Christ wanted them to know that He is the resurrection; today, we need to
receive the same resurrection power in our lives.
Question: Did Martha believe Jesus would raise Lazarus? Explain

Next, we experience the most pivoted point the Christian life. We see, “The
Crucifixion of Jesus,” Luke 23:33-49. The purpose is to recognize the historical
fact on which our faith is built. “And Jesus said unto him, ‘Verily I say unto thee,
today shalt thou be with me in paradise.’ Even on the cross of pain and agony, He
is still at work atoning our lives and freeing us from the power of sin! It behooves
us to respond to Jesus’ death with repentance and faith.
Question: How did Jesus extend God’s grace to the second criminal?

Finally, the most celebrated act in the faith, “The Resurrection of Jesus,” Luke
24:1-12, 30-35. Shout Hallelujah, “The Lord is risen indeed, and hath appeared to
Simon (v.34). Can you imagine the amazement of the disciples seeing the Christ
and running to tell the others? This lesson helps us to understand that the
resurrection of Christ is crucial to the transformation of people. He died that we
‘might have life and have it more abundantly.’ This gives us the assurance that He
rose from the dead and is still interceding on our behalf. We have been
resurrection from the grave of sin to the gift of eternal life!
Question: What part does the resurrection play in our salvation?

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