The Shoe Fits Review

Do you remember ever playing in your mother’s or your father’s shoes? I totally recall trying to come down the hallway in my mother’s high-heeled shoes. I was unable to strut or sashay as gracefully as my mother would! Yet, the desire to walk in her shoes or clucking in my father’s shoes was a game I played a lot.  It didn’t matter that I could not fit them or did not know how to walk with them on. Being in their shoes was enough!

By now, I am sure you have heard of the expression, If the shoe fits, wear it! Usually, something negative is implied and it is being suggested you should accept it! There are truths embedded; but it is not easily accepted. Most of us are confronted with problems that are hard to solve and we need help solving them.  Finding what fits in our personal lives is one of the greatest challenges we will face.

“The Shoe Fits!” is a spiritual encounter to encourage, equip, and empower you to embrace the God-ordained path that has been chosen for you; and to help you find your fit, in the kingdom of God. Everything you have gone through is part of your process of becoming everything you are created to be!

Pastor Carr uses her personal experiences, biblical insight, and creative resources to express the urgency of, us pressing through our life struggles to reach our mountaintop experiences.  Her message is, “You can see your destination better from the top of the mountain than at the base of it.  Once you can see it, then you can be it!

She also uses the Cinderella story as her motive for writing. Cinderella is one of the most popular fairy tales in our culture. Yet, her story is full of disappointments, grief, abuse, and despair.  While everyone wants to be the princess or the prince, not much is said about what this young child experienced. Moreover, we look at how she overcame her rejection and gracefully received her place in the palace. This book will help you look at your challenges from a different perspective, encourage you to keep climbing the mountain and free you from any bitterness or resentment.  You are more than a conqueror and the shoe fits.

Overseer Regina Ravenell-Carr is the founder of Christian Uprise Thru Edification (C.U.T.E.) Discipleship Ministry, Inc. She is also a certified Christian Life Coach, doing business as, Believing Beyond You.  She offers personal and group sessions, to help you go from your pit to your purpose. As an author, her first book is called, “Believing Beyond – A Journey from Unbelief to Great Faith!” Overseer Carr is driven to equip and empower you in the things of God, for the equipping of the saints, work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. Ephesian 4:12 NKJV

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