What’s Love Got to Do With It

I know there’s a knee-jerk reaction whenever we hear these
words! Tina Turner made a great impact on America when
she sang her song! Not only did it entertain us, but her
story rocked our world. This was a time when we all agreed
that Ike and Tina were not a love thing. What is love, is the
pivotal question for the day? Moreover, what’s love got to
do with it, anyway?

According to her bio-pic, and Broadway musical, Anna Mae
Bullock (aka Tina Turner), didn’t find love in the normal
places. Her Mama left her to go to the big city; Grandma
didn’t have the patience to handle a young spirited child, nor did her husband
have the heart to love her conditionally. Her world was turned upside down, all in
the name of love! Most of us have had similar experiences with love or episodes
that appeared to look like love and they were not. Is it possible that love is still a
mystery and we are looking for love in all the wrong places?

The google dictionary says “love is an intense felling of deep affection; a great
interest and pleasure in something or someone; kinship or personal ties. Good
Therapy says, “Love is a mix of emotions, behaviors, and beliefs associated with
strong feelings of affection, protectiveness, warmth, and respect for another
person. This definition sounds like a cross between, agape (a selfless,
unconditional, universal love), eros (physical love or sexual desire), or Philios
(warm affection or friendship). Nevertheless, love has been mishandled and
misrepresented by all of us.

Gospel artist Hezekiah Walker hit the nail on the head with his song, “God Favored
Me!” He says, “Love is patient, caring; love is kind. Love is felt most when it’s
genuine; but I’ve had my share of love abused, manipulated and its strength
misused. The first time I heard these words, they took my breath away. Knowing
that I have felt all of these things, I wept because He heard my cry. However, I
have learned better, and I am stronger and wiser. In a book called “The Motivation
Manifesto,” the author makes 9 declarations to your personal power. Declaration

7 says, “We shall amplify love!” This one stands out the most because it has had

the greatest impact on my personal power. Get ready for his statement:
We are not transmitting or receiving love as we were divinely intended to; we
are filtering love rather that feeling it”

I completely closed the book on this first line. I had to ponder, what! Huh! Okay,
wait. My resolve was that we are filtering love through our own experiences of
love; our ignorance of love; and because of the absence of love! He goes on to say,
“Love is divine; it is everywhere, ever present and abundant and free. It is a
spiritual energy that is, at this very moment, flowing through the universe –
through us, through our enemies, our families, and billions of souls.”

He also says we have to: mature and realize that freeing our mind of ancient hurts
and opening once more to love shall give us access to divine strength! WE SHALL

1 John 4:8 says, “He that loveth not, knowest not God; for God is love. The
Message Bible says, “My beloved friends, let us continue to love each other
since love comes from God. Everyone who loves is born of God and experiences a
relationship with God. The person who refuses to love doesn’t know the first thing
about God, because God is love—so you can’t know him if you don’t love.

This is how God showed his love for us: God sent his only Son into the world so we
might live through him. This is the kind of love we are talking about—not that we
once upon a time loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to
clear away our sins and the damage they’ve done to our relationship with God.”

As an ambassador of Christ, it is my spiritual assignment to remind us, as a body
of believers in Christ, we have received the gift of love, when we accepted Him
into our lives. Therefore, it behooves us to demonstrate His love to others. They
need to see that His love is still alive, doing a greater work, still covering a
multitude of sin, redeeming the time for our marriages, siblings, neighbors,
businesses, and so on.

There is no area in our lives that does not need a drop ofGod’s love. His love is eternal and is reaches to the highest mountain, and it flows
to the lowest valley! Oh Yes (couldn’t resist a singing moment). If you have ever
experienced God’s love, you shouldn’t hold it captive, but release it and allow it to
be multiplied. If we show our love to one another, God will continue to live in us
and His love is perfected in us (and them).

The superficial wars that we are fighting will no longer be a fight because of God’s
love. The bitterness, hatred, malice, and envy will no longer have authority
because of God’s love. It is our responsibility to share His love. I learned a song at
camp (a long time ago), that is called “Pass It On!” Verse 1 says, “It only takes a
spark to get a fire going; and soon all those around can warm up to its glowing.
That’s how it is with God’s love, once you experience it. You want spread His love
to everyone, you want to pass it on!! You’ll shout it from the mountaintop, the
Lord of love has come to me and I want to pass it on. We must learn to stand
emotionally open before the world and give of our heart without fear. We were
built to love because we were created in His image and He is love!

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