Lives Worthy of Christ

This quarter’s theme is “Living in Christ.” Apostle Paul has reminded us of our “New
Life in Christ,” and how our lives are “Transformed in Christ.” We are encouraged to
not be what we used to be, but to recognize we are chosen by God, created as His
workmanship, and a citizen in the kingdom of God. As a result, our lives ought to
be found worthy of Christ and bear witness to His life-changing abilities.

The first instruction we receive is the need for “Spiritual Armor,” Eph. 6:10. In this
lesson we are encouraged to stand firm in the armor the Lord has provided. Most
of us are fighting our battles with the weapons of this world. Those weapons do
not bring resolve, only add chaos and confusion to an adverse situation. When we
put on His armor, it transforms the fight from being physical to a spiritual warfare.
The caution is to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might, not ours.
Question: Why is the belt of truth essential for spiritual victory?

Second, we are presented with the concept of “The Supremacy of Christ,” Col.
1:15-28. The principle of this lesson is to teach that only Christ is qualified to
reconcile sinners to God. The scripture refers to Christ as being the firstborn, the
beginning and the end, the co-Creator with God! Yet it is His blood sacrifice that
redeems us from our unrighteousness, and reconciles us to a right relationship in
God. “For it pleased the Father that in Him should fulness dwell. Christ had all
power to transform us to become Christ-like.

Question: What relationship does Christ have with the church?
Third, Paul declares our posture as Chrisian to be “Complete in Him,” Col. 2:6-19.
Once we are clothed in the spiritual armor, and have been convinced of Christ’s
supremacy, we should know we are “Complete in Christ,” Col. 2: 6-19.

Completeness in our life should help us to find the fruit of His spirit. He has already
done the work to save us, cleanse us, and redeem us. Therefore, “Ye are complete
in Him, which is the head of all principality and power (v. 10). We can not allow the
noise of this world to distract us from the power and presence of our God. Jesus is
all we need. We must learn to appreciate the sufficiency that we have in Christ.

What did Paul mean by the phrase “walk ye in Him” (Col. 2:6?
Finally, Apostle Paul gives “A Plea for Christlike Forgiveness,” Phm. 1:4-21. This
lesson teaches that our position in God’s family demands that we practice love and
forgiveness. Unfortunately, these two components are difficult to master in the
church. We welcome all of God’s blessings but we struggle with His commands.
However, we are encouraged to, “Be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted,
forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you,” (Eph. 4:32).
Paul writes to the church on behalf of another. One that may have done wrong in
the past, but is a new creature in Christ. He was a slave, but now he is free in Christ.
There is an urgency for the church to be kind and tenderhearted to those that
being saved and transformed.

Question: How far did Paul go in his request, and where did he stop in urging

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