“Believing Beyond” Restoring Your Faith

Faith! What is it?

Faith is a word that means so many things to so many different people. Faith is a grace freely given to all, but we all fail to receive the gift as it has been freely given! Faith challenges our very being! The biblical book of James tells us, “Faith without works, is not faith! Faith without works is dead, and a dead faith is worse than no faith at all! Faith must produce; it must be visible. Verbal faith is not enough; mental faith is insufficient. It must inspire action. Your faith can lead you to an abundant life in Christ and cause you to overcome the spirit of unbelief, doubt and fear, guilt and shame! Faith is the missing ingredient to the puzzle of your life. Putting your faith in the center of it all will move you beyond anything you can thing or even ask for!

When we don’t use our faith or when we don’t have confidence in our faith, we become stuck on our road to our Destiny!

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines faith as a strong belief or trust in someone or something; belief in the existence of God; strong religious feelings or beliefs. If this book was for the carnally-minded (only), this definition might suffice. But, as believers, we have to identify who and what we believe. First, we must declare that our faith, firm belief is in Jesus Christ, the living Son of God. Then, we would have to know that we believe the Word of God, as the foundation of our faith.

This definition might seem elementary to some, but I want to be as simple and transparent as possible to the believer who has just accepted Christ and is looking for inspiration, encouragement, instruction and direction. Because you have just begun this journey, you need to be encouraged that your life is changed because you have received the Lord by faith! Faith is a new road that you will travel and some of the seeds that God has for you may take longer to spring forth than others, but don’t give up! Be patient in the “seedling” time. This is the time to allow the Holy Spirit to deposit into you the things of God! There will be a pruning and a growth process! The pruning is the tearing off of the unnecessary (carnal) things, and the growing will be the presence of the Holy Spirit birthing the (spiritual) things into you. You are being transformed!

However, this transformation will be incomplete if you don’t add your faith to it! Acts 10:9-10, says, “That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart, one believes to righteousness, and with mouth confession is made to salvation.”

We are also calling out to the “Middle of the road Society,” whose seed fell on rocky ground, which didn’t have much soil. Your faith has been scorched! You are still important to God and your faith can be restored. Get back in line. Receive the love of God, allow Him into your heart, to refresh and restore you back to your place in Him.  To the “Thorn-bearing Folk,” your seed fell in the thorny patch. Your faith has been choked, and is unfruitful! It feels like the enemy is killing you softly and your spirit is being destroyed! It’s time for you to fight back with your faith! You have to resist the enemy and draw nigh unto God (James 4:7).

The question for today is, “Who do you say that I am?” Jesus asked His disciples this question and He is still raising it today. If we can unequivocally declare (proclaim or announce) who He is in our personal lives, then we can also decree (command or authorize) His word over our lives. When we confess our sins, we publicly declare our belief in Christ. Our faith in Him will bring us to a place of repentance, and we will ask for forgiveness. It’s a sweet release and a welcoming healing to our souls. It restores our relationship with Him, and it often brings us blessings.

Christ offers us the opportunity to confess our sins and faith in the power of His Holy Spirit. If you have read this article, or hopefully reading this book called, “Believing Beyond! A journey from unbelief to Great Faith,” you are ready and willing to take this journey to a Christ –centered, abundant and exalted life.

I want to encourage you to begin confessing yours and your faith to God! The enemy tricks us into thinking we can hide from God; but hiding is impossible! His character is everywhere; He knows everything and He has all power in His hand! God has promised to restore Israel, You, and the living church! He promises to change our heart from a heart of stone (evil, angered, troubled and hard), to a heart of flesh (loving, courageous, repentant, delighted and humbled).

Faith Works! It just requires our actions! Don’t be afraid to unwrap and release your faith! “Believing beyond,” your circumstances, your disappointments, fears, and your losses, can only be accomplished by faith! When God sees your faith, He responds with His love, peace, joy and compassion.

It’s time for your exodus! You are walking out of a spirit of unbelief and walking into your faith! Leave the dead stuff behind….. Don’t look back, greater is coming!

Excerpts taken from the book, “Believing Beyond! A Journey from Unbelief to Great Faith!”

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