Changed Lives, Changes Lives

Overseer Regina Ravenell-Carr

The nature of Life Coaching is embedded in the one-on-one relationship that is established with the Coach and the client.  A Coach’s primary goal is to effectively move their client from the pit to their purpose.  This is the ultimate experience when you watch an individual’s life transform in your presence. A Coach observes the client’s strengths and weaknesses to extract their best skillset to accomplish the assignment.  Coaching is the vehicle to lead and change one’s thinking, to build their self-esteem, confidence, performance, and productivity.

I have the privilege of serving many but, the greatest is the opportunity to share my life coaching skills with the inmates at the Yaphank Correctional Facility, Yaphank, NY. For over 10 years, I have been working with the male and female population.  I was spiritually led to create a group package called, “Believing Beyond – Getting Past Being Stuck.” This package consists of a 4-week series that addresses being stuck, getting focused, creating balance and becoming productive.  Every group that I have encountered yielded a positive result. I do an assessment in the beginning, and an evaluation at the end of the program.  They also receive a certificate of completion and a copy of my book, “Believing Beyond!”

April, I serviced 13 women in my group.  In the beginning, they were hiding behind their drug and/or alcohol addictions; along with their hurt, pain and disappointments, and being incarcerated. Well, by the end of our time together, I felt like I was in the room with 13 different people. I shared with them, that there was amazing gifts, talents and abilities in the room. They had a moment to think about the possibilities of utilizing the gifts, talents and abilities, in a better way. The Bible says, “Five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight; your enemies shall fall by the sword before you.” I witnessed a change in their countenance. I heard their confessions of not being aware of their vulnerability in the dark world.  Another highlight was, letting them know that there was a breakdown in their personal lives (through relationships, institutions, and social norms), that allowed them to be susceptible to the vices in their life. The vice is a by-product of their story, not who they are. I stressed that, stuck is a war that happens on the inside; therefore, we can not keep holding others hostage.  We have to take responsibility for our actions, chose to forgive, and grow from that place, in order regain focus, balance, and productivity in our lives. 

We also discussed what the next step should be to begin changing their mindset and their behavior.  This is when I could really hear and see the transformations and their desire to change. One said, “I don’t like being this person anymore. I am uncomfortable.”  Another said, “I realize, I can be a better person.  I do not have to be abusive.  I have allowed people to take advantage of me. I will not allow it anymore!” Finally, “My husband was abusive to me and I was abusive to my children.  I deserve better, and I feel better!” Everyone felt the sessions made them think in ways they had not before. Their eyes were opened, and they were encouraged to be better than they had been.

Experiencing this type of transformation is surreal. It is confirmation that this series is effective and empowering.  Although change is a process, it begins with one step at a time.  Helping them to take one step forward for themselves is life-altering.  We helped a young mother see that she was repeating the same behavior of her mother.  She was angry and resentful towards her mother. However, as a group, we helped her to see that she did not have to repeat the same cycle; and the cycle can be broken through her. The next week, she stated she was no longer going to live the way her mother did, she plans to be better than that.

Results are essential to the art of coaching.  Seeing these results time, and time again, are substantial to the ministry of Christian Life Coaching.  It is a profession that I am absolutely challenged, confident, and creative about.  Opening the eyes of understanding for others never ceases to encourage my heart and confirm in my spirit that I am in the right place, doing the right thing, for the right people.  Whether it’s the people that I meet, the people in adverse situations, family or friends, I am here to help you get from where you are, to where you are supposed to be in the Kingdom of God. God has created each of us with a divine purpose; for that reason, I want to help you find your divine purpose and pursue it!

Changed lives, change lives.  We already know that hurting people, hurt people.  I charge us to begin changing the dynamic of this vicious cycle, by changing one individual at a time. Remember, “Be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind!”

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