MANA Member Brings a Bit of Broadway to North Amityville

The month of December opened with a bang as a powerful stage play, Signs of the Judgement”, written, directed and produced by Pastor Lawton Bryant opened on December 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 2022 at the Dominican Village Fellowship Hall in North Amityville.

Following in the footsteps of Tyler Perry and Local legend, J. D. Lawrence, Pastor Lawton Bryant, who plays the angel Gabriel in the play, demonstrated that members of the Ministerial Alliance of North Amityville and Vicinity are gifted and talented in more areas than just the pulpit.

Pastor Bryant is a highly respected pastor in the Amityville area, leading one of the major congregations, Matthias Church, in the village of Amityville, which has not been historically known for housing Black churches. However, Pastor Bryant has broken the mold and created a brilliant Christian witness in the village of Amityville

The play is a Christian musical/comedy that kept the audience laughing as a variety of characters, played by a brilliant assortment of brilliant actors and actresses, portrayed people known in the church world and community. The play went on a sabbatical of sorts as a result of the 2020 pandemic but has returned better than ever with the addition of new faces. In addition to the acting, musical selections balance the performance with song and dance, especially that of grandma and Satan. While the play featured a Friday night performance and two performances on Saturday and Sunday, the audience is hoping for more engagements in the not too distant future. Pastor Bryant encouraged the audience to tell their friends and neighbors of the play so that he can continue a successful run well into the year of 2023. MANA is proud to endorse and encourage Christian families to take advantage of a night out with a stage play when the production returns.

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