On Monday, May 15, 2023 sixteen “practicing theologians” and scholars joined Bishop Andy Lewter on a Spring Theological Intensive held in the Holy Land. Among the sixteen were several members of the Ministerial Alliance of North Amityville and Vicinity, including Dr. Patricia Rickenbacker, Pastor Bruce Green, Lady Jackie Green, Minister Juanita Hargwood and Pastor Mary Ellis.
The intensive took the students on a whirlwind tour of the Middle East with destinations that included: Tiberius (Mt. Carmel and the Valley of Armegeddon), Capernaum, Cana (Jesus’ first miracle according to the Gospel of John), Nazareth, Bethany (Home of Lazarus), Jordan River, Jerusalem and Bethlehem. Each day the students would visit one of the many Holy Sites in the area and then return in the evening where they would have a class session that included reflections of the day and a final exam on the events of the day.
The event was designed to be neither a vacation or tour, but an educational opportunity to read the Bible anew in “color”. While all of the events were life changing the time spent atop Masada where the Jewish Revolt leaders took refuge in the aftermath of the attack on Jerusalem by the Roman Army in 73 AD was of particular note because of the spectacular view it gave of the area including a picturesque view of the Dead Sea.
While studying was the order of the day, students did have an opportunity to participate in an Hebrew Folk Dance while sailing on the Sea of Galilee and spend the afternoon literally floating in Dead Sea where it is impossible to sink because of the density of the salt in the water. Students returned with a renewed interest in Biblical Studies and anxious for the 2025 Theological Intensive which promises to trace the steps of the Apostle Paul during his three Missionary Journey. Make plans now to join us.

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