The History of MANA and the “The Block”

On November 21, 2019 members of the Ministerial Alliance of North Amityville and Vicinity took to the streets, just as they had done 40 years earlier to reclaim the streets of North Amityville for a positive purpose. The march over forty years ago marked the birth of the Ministerial Alliance of North Amityville and Vicinity. It was then that a “crack epidemic” had taken hold of North Amityville that had spread from New York York City. Literally hundreds of lives were being lost to the drugs and violence that had become all too familiar on the streets of North Amityville.

Against that backdrop the seasoned pastor of the Hollywood Baptist Church of Christ, Rev. Andy C. Lewter, Sr., made a daring move to interrupt his worship service on Sunday and march his congregation to the corners of Albany Avenue and Great Neck Road to have prayer and offer the benediction to his worship service. What started out as an act by a single congregation quickly spread throughout the North Amityville community. By the next Sunday several other churches joined the Sunday morning march to “the block” to hold prayer and demand that the Town of Babylon do something to arrest the death and devastation that was plaguing the community. In the end, the Town of Babylon condemned “the block” and tore down the buildings that had become a haven and hiding place for so much illegal activities.

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