Finding Your River

During one of my life coaching
sessions, I had a life changing
moment! Yass honey! One of the
benefits of being a coach, is that while
you’re helping others, there is always
a nugget in it for you.
However, this is one I can not shake,
therefore, I must share. The client and
I agreed that we would work through
one of the passages in the “Artist’s
Way,” by Julia Camron. The Week 5
session is called, ‘Recovering a Sense
of Possibility. The message is, we
have to find our river, by following
the voice of God within us. His plan
for us, will lead us to a wealthy place,
to an abundant life.
She begins with this statement: “One
of the chief barriers to accepting
God’s generosity is our limited notion
of what we are in fact able to
accomplish.” I know some of you
may want to challenge this thought,
but you can do so on your own time.
Right now, I want to focus on this
premise to help someone be better.
Instead of curtailing our possibilities
by our limited thinking, we should
focus on being our authentic self,
rather than settling for our social self.

The social you, may be limited by
your need to fit in, do what everyone
else is doing, have what is trending,
and so on! The social you is chasing
the wind of this world, and we end up
in a whirlwind. In order to be better,
we have to take the limits off of God,
who is our source; and believe He has
an unlimited bank account. “If we can
learn to think of receiving God’s good
as being an act of worship,
cooperating with His plan to manifest
goodness in our lives —we can begin
to let go of having to sabotage
ourselves. He has enough blessings
for everyone! We don’t have to chase
the bag! He has a way of making
things happen that supersede our
wildest dreams.
God has lots of money, lots of movies,
ideas, poems., songs, paintings, and
acting jobs! Whatever you are looking
for, God’ got it. By listening to Him
from within, He will lead us to the
right path. There, we will find
everything that we need and that we
desire says, “We must learn to let the
flow manifest where it will, not where
we will it.”
The revelation was with my (and
others) scarcity thinking! God is my
source. I do not have to limit myself,
nor anyone else. I can let my energy
flow and tap into my creative ability
(POWER). This passage gave me the
key to unlock the door of my creative
being and trust God as my unlimited
resource. Whatever I desire will flow
to me, and I no longer have to exert
the energy or anxiety to obtain.
We have wasted enough time
spending our wheels to get this and
that. We spend money trying to look
like we have it all together;
meanwhile, we are emotional
distorted. The desire to be worldly,
sophisticated, and smart, often blocks
our flow. Trusting God instead of
trusting yourself is THE BEST
change in your life. Believe that He
has everything that you need. Believe
that He is setting you up for the right
time and the right place. Believe that
you are in a flow! Everything attached
to you wins (if you believe)!
We acquire a sense of movement, a
current change in our lives. This
current, or river, is a flow of grace
moving us to our right livelihood,
companions, and destiny.
Say yes to the flow! Spew out what
doesn’t belong in the flow: negative
thoughts, actions, and interactions;
scarcity; inabilities; limitations, and
compromise! Break the barriers and
go forward!

“The Lord is my shepherd;
I shall not want.
2 He makes me to lie down in green
He leads me beside the still waters.
3 He restores my soul;
He leads me in the paths of
For His name’s sake.
4 Yea, though I walk through the
valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil;
For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort
5 You prepare a table before me in the
presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil;
My cup runs over.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall
follow me
All the days of my life;
And I will dwell in the house of

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