My Hero, My Dad


On Friday, April 5th, 2024, New York experienced an
earthquake! It didn’t compare to the earthquakes in
California, or other places where they usually occur.
However, most of us felt our foundation shake. Monday,
April 7th, there was also an eclipse. Both of these
occurrences are unusual and/or happens every few years.
One thing I know for sure, we all experience personal
earthquakes and eclipse in our lives. The 5 th was my dad’s
birthday; and he passed nine days before his 92 nd birthday.
The 7 th , was the day of his burial, and for a moment, our
world was darkened. Have you ever considered the
earthquakes and eclipse that occur in your life? It is times
like these that we need a Savior. It is times like these that we need a friend. It is times like these that we need hope for tomorrow.

Although the world shook, and the light seemed dim, my hope had been built on a
firm foundation, and my faith is in Jesus, the Light of the world. Life has dealt many
dark days and turbulent challenges. Yet, even when I fall, He gives me the strength
to get back up again. Today, I look back and I am able to glean the lessons of the
core values that my dad lived before me. Most of us are unaware of our own core
values, which is what allows us to go astray, off the beaten path. Knowing your core
values, or having core values implanted into your livelihood, changes the trajectory
of your life! Core values are essential to a well-balanced life and will help you to
strategically overcome life challenges!

I am notoriously known as a “Daddy’s girl!” I am a senior citizen and I am not
ashamed of this status! I have been fortunate to have always had him in my life. The
road wasn’t always easy, but we were always there for one another. This past year
was very difficult because of the medical conditions we endured. Nevertheless,
through it all, his great strength, humor and wit continuously shined through. Now I
know that it was his core values, that he has left as a great imprint on my life, are
worthy of recognition. They came to me as an acronym: F.A.C.T.S! Core values is a
behavior you can follow; gives you a principle to live by; and guides you through the
rough road of life.

Dad’s Core Values:
Family – my father was a strong figure in our
immediate and extended family, He made it his
responsibility to make sure everyone was alright.
He provided for and protected all who were
under his care. There were no family crises that
my dad didn’t show for or have an impact. His

presence was known for his support and concern.
Action – Mayo Ravenell Jr. made things happen! He was the big brother, a husband,
dad, leader and a friend. He was quick to let you know the order that should be
followed and why. Stepping out of line was not an option (until I moved out, lol).
Many relied on his ability to executive change or to make things better.

Compassionate – he had a heart of gold! He cared about your well-being! If you
needed anything and he could afford to offer it he did; if he felt it was out of your
reach or his, he would let you know that too! He was soft spoken, and sensitive to
the matter at hand.

Truth – honesty was his policy. He practiced God’s truth and he believed it for his
own life. He gave his truth to others to help them out of their dark situations. His
consistency in helping others was evident because he upheld whatever he said he
would do!

Strength – not only was tall in stature, but he was strong in character. He endured
the passing of two sons, parents, wife and siblings. He overcame life challenges and
faced much opposition. He stood as the patriarch of the Ravenell family, and was
recognized in many circles as someone that was reliable and dependable. His
health was something he endured but it never got the best of him. He fought a good
These are the core values that I extracted from my look back over my dad’s life.
He’s always been my hero, and now, he’s, my angel. Before I knew what core values
were, I had my dad as a living example. He gave me a way to live, a character to
follow, and passion to live for. Life ain’t been no crystal staircase, but life with him
been a pleasure! He saw me grow from that little girl, to a woman of character and
of Christ. The one thing I will miss most is hearing him say, “Girl, you alright!” He’s my
dad, and my hero!

I charge you to seek out your core values. If you are not sure of your own, look
around at, and think about those you admire, See, what motivates them, what drives
them to be or do what they do. If that doesn’t work, Jesus is the best role model you
will find. He lives on the inside, through the Holy Spirit. Talk to Him! Seek and you
will find. Knock and the door shall be opened.

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