The Pentecost Phenomenon

By Chief Editor Regina Ravenell-Carr

Last month there was great pandemonium in recognition of Pentecost
Sunday! In my transparency, it was late in my life when I began to
hear the emotional uproar for Pentecost Sunday. Part of me wanted
to blame my traditional Baptist upbringing; however, its passion has
spread throughout various denominations. In my desire to know Him
better, I began to observe and listen, seek God, and study His word for
a better understanding.

Today, I declare that the Pentecost is worthy of recognition and
celebration. Jesus’ death and resurrection leads us to the anticipation
of the Pentecost. The Pentecost births new life, new power, and new
purpose as a Christian. The gift of salvation is birthed out the Jesus’ dying on the cross.
However, the coming of the Holy Spirit is a life transforming and empowering experience that
occurred at Pentecost.

The Pentecost refers to the fifty days after the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Acts 1:4-8, Christ
speaks to the disciples for the last time and He tells them to “Wait for the Promise!” Their
thoughts were still stuck in their carnal mindset, while Christ was preparing them for what was
to come! “Ye shall receive power!” In corporate America, in our families, communities and the
church, there is always a power-struggle. Power is defined as the capacity to direct or influence
the behavior of others, or the course of events. Power implies possession of ability to wield
force, authority, or influence. The world’s power is typically used to manipulate and/or control
others for selfish gain or satisfaction. The power of God is a drawing of others into the kingdom
of God, filled with joy and peace.

The promise they are waiting for is the power of God to come and dwell within. This power is
not evil, manipulative, controlling, or selfish. Jesus said, ‘’I came that you might have life and
have it more abundantly (John 10:10b).” Therefore, what Christ is promising is the Spirit that
will lead, guide, comfort, equip, and empower, all believers to do what they have been called to
in the kingdom of God.

He states that this power will enable them ‘to be a witness in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and
the end of the earth.’

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