The Sunday School Corner

From the Gospel Press
October is here! It is the height of the change from summer to autumn, also known as fall. In fall we experience the changing of the color of the leaves and the change in the weather, and the time. October is also the eighth of the year which symbolizes “new beginnings.”
The lessons this month are also talking about a change. We see how God is continually supplying the needs of the children of Israel and their disregarding for God’s covenant with them. Disobedience and Failure is the focus for October. Last month, we witness the reigning power of God and the success of the Joshua and the children of Israel. The difference this month is how they are punished for their disobedience! The essential message that the in of one can impact an entire nation. Therefore, we have to be careful of how our actions can impact the lives of others.
Oct. 8th – The Sin of Achan – Josh. 7:1; 12-12, 20—26 “Achan answered Joshua, and said, ‘Indeed I have sinned against the Lord God of Israel…” Sin brings defeat! Achan sin brings damnation to the tribe and it brings defeat! Instead of winning the battle, they were defeated, and some killed.
Oct. 15th – A Backsliding People – Judg. 2:16-23 “The Lord raised up judges, which delivered them out of the hand of those that spoiled them…” Although God delivered them, they still did not follow the command of God; therefore, they experienced His disappointment and anger!
Oct. 22nd – Israel Rejects God as King – 1 Sam. 9:1-2; 10:17-26 – “Ye have this day rejected your God, who himself saved you out of all your adversities and your tribulations; and ye have said unto him, ‘Nay, but set a king over us” God is ready, willing, and able to deliver us, to anoint us, and establish us. However, we still choose to deny Him, and choose other people places and things!
Overseer Regina Ravenell-Carr

From the Standard Commentary
The dichotomy continues with the contrast of “Faith Triumph and Law Fails.” Paul’s epistles to both the Romans and the Galatians contrast the inability of the law to provide justification with the promise of justification by faith.
Some people pledge their allegiance to the law to exempt them from a relationship with God. However, the law was created to show how we need God. We need the power of God to keep law and to be pleasing unto God. We are being challenged to hold fast to our faith in Christ and not revert to law-keeping for justification.
October 1—Inward and Outward
People hold assumptions regarding right and wrong. What motivates the choice of one over the other? Paul teaches that faith can guide our choices and inform our convictions.
October 8—Old and New
Paul wrestles with the reality that while God’s law guides us to do right, that same law defines sin, which brings disobedience and death.
October 15—Works and Faith
Another word for hypocrisy is inconsistency—where profession doesn’t match practice. As Jesus condemned this problem, so does Paul as he focuses on the respective natures of works and faith.
October 22—Spirit and Flesh
In the progress toward spiritual maturity, there is a danger in stagnating or falling back on old beliefs and practices. The churches in Galatia serve as the warning in this regard

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